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Polka Dot Park Growth

by Sherston Software
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Foundation, KS1

Under 5

File ( 33MB )

$3.97 (USD)
Site license $53.11 (USD)


Polka Dot Park Growth is an exciting and flexible science resource that enables young children to develop their understanding of living things with the help of three engaging characters: Polka, Dot and Bob the Hedgehog. There are nine realistic scenarios for children to explore, for example planting seeds in the potting shed, feeding a baby in the picnic area or caring for baby animals in a stable. Children can be guided through activities by Polka, the friendly adult rabbit, or they can learn through exploration with Dot, the lovable child rabbit. Alternatively, the narration-free ‘on your own’ mode is perfect for use on a tablet. Children can also complete Bob the Hedgehog’s short, focused activities to consolidate their understanding of key processes and vocabulary


Living things