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Sharks Feeding

by ClassVR
This resource is only available as part of a pack


Take a dive into the tropical waters of the Pacific Ocean and join a school of blacktip reef sharks and they feed from a bait pod. Filmed from the perspective of an experienced diver, this 360-degree video will give you a glimpse into the shark's underwater world.

In the wild, Blacktips present little danger to humans, as they are usually quite timid. However, people wading through shallow water are at risk of having their legs mistakenly bitten. This shark is hunted for its meat, fins, and liver oil, but is not considered to be a commercially significant species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has classified the blacktip reef shark as Near Threatened. Although the species as a whole remains widespread and relatively common, over-fishing of this slow-reproducing shark has led to its decline in several regions.

Total video duration is 47 seconds.