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Gentoo Penguins in Antarctica

by ClassVR
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The Gentoo penguin is easily recognised by the wide white stripe extending like a bonnet across the top of its head and its bright orange-red bill. It has pale whitish-pink webbed feet and a fairly long tail - the most prominent tail of all penguins. Gentoos reach a height of 51 to 90 cm, making them the third-largest species of penguin after the two giant species, the emperor penguin and the king penguin, and they are the fastest underwater swimming penguins, reaching speeds of 36 km/h.

This video puts you in the middle of a small group of Gentoos on a rocky outcrop in Antarctica. You can see the penguins attempting to reach higher ground up the rocky slopes or watch another group swimming together in the sea behind you.

Total video duration is 1 minute.