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This scene is set in a re-creation of a Victorian cityscape in England. Set between the years 1837 and 1901, these streets will give students the chance to explore what housing and shops would be like in a busy industrial town in the UK during the Victorian era. there are several shops, a bank and various different types of house as well as gas St lamps and a dingy, smoggy atmosphere.

# Learning objectives

1: Explore how people lived in Victorian England {.info}

2: Make comparisons between Victorian life and my own {.info}

# Coming into the City {.objective .objective1}

The first section in the scene looks at why people moved into large cities from villages at the start of the industrial revolution. The activity here focuses on the difference is between life in a village and life in a large city.

# Victorian Shopping {.objective .objective2}

Section Two looks at some of the shops present on this Victorian St and how people would have used them. This activity asks students to explore the shops and think about how they are different to the way we shop today.

# Life for the Poor {.objective .objective3}

Life in Victorian England was hard on the poor - this section looks at how average working families would have lived during this time. Families at this time would have shared houses with up to three other families and had to share toilets and water. The activity here asks students to think about whether these houses belong to wealthy or poor families and what evidence they can see to support their argument.

# Changing Cities {.objective .objective3}

The last section of this scene explains why cities in the UK grew so rapidly during the Victorian era. Here, students will learn about the changes that had to take place thanks to the industrial revolution and how they were affected further by World War Two. This activity focuses on asking students to compare this town with their own and what Victorian architecture may still exist in the UK today.


# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792762/icon.png?date=1676547397&size=376895&md5=6673b9c69f4533f8c44c4ced4a968219)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792762/files/Victorian%20Life+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1676547353&size=738975&md5=a02bd4e05711846829966cf556ca1511)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
