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The Water Cycle

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes the form of a water cycle. Water is crucial for sustaining the great diversity of life that is found on planet Earth. Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water and conditions on the planet allow it to exist in its solid, liquid and gaseous form, changing and moving around the Earth in a great connected cycle. The water cycle joins together the waters of the ocean, water on and under the land and water in the atmosphere.

# Learning objectives

1: To be able to explain evaporation.{.info}

2: To be able to explain condensation.{.info}

3: To understand water collection.{.info}

# Evaporation{.objective .objective1}

A description of evaporation. Students are asked to enter the scene to look for places where water is changing from its liquid state into its gaseous state. They should consider: What is causing this change to occur? And where is the water vapour?

# Condensation{.objective .objective2}

A description of condensation. Students are asked to enter the scene to find where condensation is taking place in the scene. They should consider: What precipitation can you see in the scene? And to think about how different conditions affect what precipitation type is formed.

# Water Collection{.objective .objective3}

An explanation of water collection. Students are asked to enter the scene to explore the water cycle scene again and find the places where water is collecting.

# Teacher Resources

**Download Teacher Notes**


**Student Quiz Answers Document**


**Download Student Quiz Document**
