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Map of the Oceans

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


Welcome to your own personal tour of our planet’s oceans. Here you will find a detailed map showing you where in the world our biggest oceans sit and how the water moving through them affects our world. Within the map there are both land and oceans to be explored. The oceans can be explored in detail to reveal how water moves throughout them, and the effect this has on the world.

# Learning objectives

1: To identify the worlds five oceans.{.info}

2: To describe how ocean currents work.{.info}

3: To explain how pollution affects the oceans.{.info}

# The Five Oceans{.objective .objective1}

In this section students can learn about the location of each ocean. In this activity students are asked to enter to scene to investigate the location of the five oceans.

# Ocean Currents{.objective .objective2}

In this section students can learn that the waters of the oceans are always on the move, not only covering great distances flowing around the world, but also rising upwards or flowing downward within the ocean. Ocean currents are predictable routes that the water flows in, following a path around the world. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene to explore the different patterns that exist in the oceans around the world and the cause of them.

# Pollution and the Ocean{.objective .objective3}

In this section students can learn that while ocean currents might sweep sea creatures along on great journeys, sadly they can sweep litter and pollution around the world as well. In this activity students are asked to explore the scene to explore how human behaviour can influence pollution in the ocean

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
