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How Earthquakes Happen

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


This scene takes the form of an explorable city landscape which shows the devastation following a strong earthquake. Students can explore the scene to view animated models which detail the causes of earthquakes and what it would be like for an individual to experience an earthquake. Students will be able to understand the devastating impact an earthquake can have on society and state the contrast between buildings which were designed to be resilient to earthquakes and buildings which have been extensively damaged by the earthquake.

# Learning objectives

1: To describe different types of tectonic faults.{.info}

2: To explain how humans can measure earthquakes.{.info}

3: To understand the devastating impact an earthquake can have on a society.{.info}

# Tectonic Faults{.objective .objective1}

In this section there is an explanation on the different types of tectonic faults, including: Normal faults, reverse faults, and strike-slips faults. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene to look for the red arrows that indicate the direction of movement of the tectonic plates.

# Measuring Quakes{.objective .objective2}

In this section of the scene there is an instrument called a seismometer or seismograph to measure the movement of the Earth which is known to give an early warning of an earthquake, which can buy people precious time to find shelter. Students are asked to look for the model of a strike-slip fault and find the epicentre of the earthquake.

# The Devastating Impact{.objective .objective3}

In this section of the scene the following impacts are discussed: Ground shaking liquefaction, ground displacement, flooding, and fire. Students should visit the city that is experiencing an earthquake. They should watch what happens to the two different tower blocks and consider why has one collapsed completely, while the other remains standing?

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
