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by Avantis World Theme Park
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This scene takes us to a racetrack and allows exploration of combustion. Three animated fires burn, each one to be extinguished by removing one component of the fire triangle: heat, fuel, oxygen. Animated oxygen molecules highlight the role of this gas in combustion. Race cars showcase a practical use of combustion in the internal combustion engine, with an animated diagram of this featured above the crowds.

# Learning objectives

Be able to describe that combustion needs oxygen, fuel and heat{.info}

Be able to outline that combustion can be useful{.info}

# When a Fire Burns{.objective .objective1}

In this section the fire triangle will be introduced and a description that heat, fuel and oxygen is needed for a fire to burn. If any one of these elements is missing, a fire cannot burn. Animated molecules model combustion as it happens, and students should observe combustion as it happens, and describe the importance of the fire triagle to get a fire burning.

# When a Fire goes Out{.objective .objective2}

In this section, how a fire can be extinguished is described. Extinguishing a fire requires the removal of one or more parts of the fire triangle. By observing this process, students develop an understanding and will explain why removing part of the fire triangle: one from oxygen, fuel or heat, stops a fire burning. Students should observe the three examples of fires being extinguished, and for each, they will identify what is being removed to put out the fire, but importanrtly give a reason.

# Uses of Combustion{.objective .objective3}

While fires can be dangerous and damaging, this section describes how controlled fires can be very useful, such as combustion of a fuel inside an engine. By feeding an engine with fuel from its tank, and allowing oxygen to enter from outside, spark plugs can ignite the fuel, and control the combustion inside the engine. These conolled mini explosions drive the pistons in an engine that leads to mechanisms driving the wheels to turn. This process allows a vehicle to move in the direction the wheels drive it.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/791413/icon.png?date=1675675589&size=451632&md5=021424a5215f9e89bd9311f9ccd60a03)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/791413/files/Combustion%20Teacher+Notes+only.pdf?date=1675675610&size=1215159&md5=af0e3752a79e5828e975eeb72ca2040d)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
