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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain and first published in 1884. The novel is an American classic. The story follows Huck Finn, a boy aged around 14 years, and Jim, a runaway slave, as they raft down the Mississippi River. In this scene students can explore the journey Huck and Jim take down the Mississippi River and learn how characters from different walks life are portrayed through the novel.

# Learning objectives

1: To understand the context and setting of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn{.info}

2: To explore the themes of society and slavery{.info}

3: To understand the significance of the raft{.info}

4: To describe what happens to Huck at the end of the story{.info}

# Context and Setting{.objective .objective1}

The south was producing crops such as cotton and tobacco through the extensive use of slavery. In this activity students are asked to look around the scene. What clues do you have for the time period you are in?
# Society and Slavery{.objective .objective2}

In this section Twain’s satirical writing highlights many instances of when white people are indifferent to the fate of black people. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene and explore and try to find where crops are being grown on the plantation?
# The Raft{.objective .objective3}

The raft moves Huck and Jim from place to place. In this activity students are asked to enter the scene to find the raft.

# Where next for Huck?{.objective .objective4}

In this section Huck has the chance to re-join society. In this activity students are asked to find the landscape to the west. Huck decides not to return to his hometown but to travel to a less-known area.

# Teacher Resources

Download Teacher Notes


Student Quiz Answers Document


Download Student Quiz Document
