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Life of an Aztec family

by Avantis World Theme Park


This scene takes the form of a small Aztec village. In the village, there are two houses, a field of crops and a steam house to explore. Students should be able to freely explore the scene to learn about how people lived in the Aztec period by focusing on housing conditions, food, and job roles.*

# Learning objectives

1: Understand how the Aztecs lived{.info}

2: Understand what the Aztecs ate{.info}

3: Understand the roles that were available in the Aztec period and who performed them{.info}

# How did the Aztecs live? {.objective .objective1}

In this section, students can explore a wealthy home and a poor home and learn about the key features of each house. They should be able to notice similarities and differences between both.

# What did the Aztecs eat? {.objective .objective2}

In this section, students can learn about the importance of corn and maize for the Aztecs. They should also note how the Aztecs grew a lot of their food and be able to list specific foods that the Aztecs are known for.

# Which roles were available in the Aztec period, and who performed them? {.objective .objective3}

In this section, students can learn about the different roles each family member has. In this activity, students are asked to look closely at this scene. Would any of these tasks be performed by different people today?

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792840/icon.png?date=1676562575&size=441825&md5=3f9d55c6d9effb0905692586e94d18a7)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792840/files/Life%20in+an+Aztec+Family+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1676562382&size=1120567&md5=48b18796606bae97bb306f8bbc221ef4f)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download the Student Quiz Document