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Development and Globalisation

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The scene lets students explore the levels of development of the world’s countries and the factors that could drive or limit the rate of development. They will learn about the different categories of indicator and how they could impact development, progression, and their ability to trade and supply products and services. They will explore the impact of the HDI has the purchasing power and how simple social, political, and physical barriers can limit progress.

# Learning objectives

1: To identify the factors used to determine a country’s development.{.info}

2: To understand how development factors could limit development.{.info}

3: To explain how development impacts global trade.{.info}

# Determining the Level of Development{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about the indicators used to determine the level of development a country has achieved. Students will be asked to explore the development map and think about the distribution of wealth on a global scale. They will be asked to use their knowledge to think about which countries they expect to have wealth and be more or less developed.

# The Impact of Development on Purchasing Power{.objective .objective2}

Students will use the knowledge of GDP and GNP to understand the wealth of a country and link it to standards of living to appreciate how they play a role in evaluating the level of development. Students will be asked to explore the global map in the scene and use the HDI key to pinpoint which countries are developed and which are less developed according to their PPP.

# Factors That Limit Development{.objective .objective3}

Students will learn about the factors that can and have limited development of countries. Students will be asked to explore the scene and explore the map to think about the factors limiting development and link the countries with a low HDI and PPP to specific factors. Students will be asked how their low HDI and PPP may be impacting progress and the difficulty they’ll experience accessing the global supply chains.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://avnfs.com/BIa88RjpeykNhp5PNgrMTfmeMi4Lz3SyW5exDUdL1vk?size=374160&type=image%2Fpng&name=Development+and+Globalisation+TN+Icon.png)](https://avnfs.com/ECNji3Tq9Lpzvr3zNX1Jn7Uxo2yO3SyOrXtU7pHHOnA?size=1170036&type=application%2Fpdf&name=Development+Globalisation+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document


*Created in association with Alan Parkinson - Head of Geography, King's Ely Junior, Geographical Association President 2021-2022*