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Hemispheres, Equator and Tropics

by Avantis World Theme Park


This scene allows students to explore a giant globe, with the lines of the Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and Arctic and Antarctic Circle highlighted. Colours on the land masses give an indication of the average temperatures in different regions, showing the heat experienced in the tropics contrasting to the freezing polar regions.

# Learning objectives

1: To identify the locations of the hemispheres, Equator, and tropics on Earth.{.info}

2: To understand the key characteristics of each of these regions.{.info}

# Equator{.objective .objective1}

In this section students can learn about the Equator and the hot, rainy conditions experienced in this region. In this activity students are invited to focus on the line of the Equator and its position and notice where it crosses over land. What are conditions like in these places?

# Tropics{.objective .objective2}

In this section a description is given of the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, each lying 23.5 degrees from the Equator to the north and south respectively. Conditions in areas below these lines are also hot but tend to be dry, with hot deserts found here. In this activity students observe the Tropics and think about what conditions are like in the areas of land below these two lines.

# Hemispheres{.objective .objective3}

In this section a description is given of the northern and southern hemispheres, divided by the Equator, and differing by experiencing different seasons at different months of the year because of the effects of Earth’s tilted axis. In this activity students are asked to compare the northern and southern Hemispheres and explain why they experience different seasons to each other at a given time.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes


### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
