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The Speed of Sound

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The scene lets students explore a sound studio where sound is generated through different media. Here students can observe the speed of sound through solids, liquids and gases and how the particles vibrate as sound waves are generated.

# Learning objectives

1: Be able to describe that sound is generated by vibrations.{.info}

2: Be able to describe the properties of a sound wave{.info}

3: Be able to explain the speed of sound in different media{.info}

# Sound Waves{.objective .objective1}

In this section, a description of how sound is generated will be provided. Vibration of particles within a media causes oscillation of particles generating longitudinal waves. The compression and rarefaction of particles lead to sound energy being transferred from its source. Properties of a wave will be outlined, and a comparison of the amplitude and frequency will be provided to show how volume and pitch change, when the amplitude and frequency change respectively.

# Sound in a Solid, Liquid and Gas{.objective .objective2}

In this section, the transmission of sound through solids, liquids and gases will be compared. As particles are arranged differently in the three different media, sound waves behave differently. The main impact of the particle arrangement will be the speed of sound.

# Measuring Sound{.objective .objective3}

In this section, useful properties of sound will be described. Vibrations can be detected by animals and used in different ways. From simply detecting changes in their environment, to the echolocation in bats to guide them at night, and dolphins suing it to detect food buried in the seabed sand. Application of sound include medical uses such as ultrasound for scanning, as well as trawler fishing to search for schools of fish in fishing areas.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/794529/icon.png?date=1677748098&size=431824&md5=c730cd437250bbbaf8e02c4891eb70ec)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/794529/files/The%20Speed+of+Sound+Teacher+Notes+Only.pdf?date=1677748112&size=874589&md5=45a04768004bc46faacf85ec53f935c0)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
