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From 1840-1895, ‘The West’ (the vast area that was west of the Mississippi River) was an area which was difficult to settle. The area beyond the river was a vast grassland known as the Great Plains. During the 1840s, American attitudes towards the Great Plains changed and was dismissed by most Americans as the Great American Desert. However, as the 1800s progressed many people began to head West and the Mormons led by Joesph Smith settled at the Great Salt Lake.

# Learning objectives

1: Understand why pioneer farmers began to move west in the 1840s {.info}

2: Learn about how the Mormons faced persecution in the East {.info}

3: Discover the Great Salt Lake {.info}

# Who were the Early Settlers? {.objective .objective1}

Students can learn about who the early settlers were and reflect as to why they are important historical figures today. Students can examine how the early settlers travelled across the West and the methods they used.

# Persecution {.objective .objective2}

Many people moved to the West due to religious an economical reason. Here, students can discover how the Mormon community was persecuted and the impact it had on society.

# The Great Salt Lake {.objective .objective3}

Brigham Young led 16,000 Mormons to the Great Salt Lake. Here students can learn about how many people settled next to the Salt Lake and the foundations of Salt Lake city. Students can investigate how the community started to live by taking a look at the irrigation systems that were implemented as well as the Perpetual Emigration Fund.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes and Quiz]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790782/icon.png?date=1675261853&size=319935&md5=e16550cfd121da50e73a4b012146f1b5)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790782/files/Early%20Settlers+in+the+West+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1675261804&size=1110411&md5=c6c5685b695b181b4266ff1844f4f211)

### Student Quiz Answers Document

[![Alt text]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790783/icon.png?date=1675261987&size=243191&md5=bc71feab4dc6c11bc3551a1c8519125f)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790783/files/Early%20Settlers+in+the+West+Teacher+Notes+2.pdf?date=1675261953&size=613059&md5=73722e84ffff02f2af4c0e9876dd7a13)

### Download Student Quiz Document

[![Alt text]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790784/icon.png?date=1675262119&size=116005&md5=c0253c7f32a7c7ab00fb5f73366b026e)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790784/files/Early%20Settlers+in+the+West+Teacher+Notes+3.pdf?date=1675262078&size=97644&md5=b445fcd89f447d8923f53b6b2e77b289)