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Neutralisation Reactions

by Avantis World Theme Park


The scene lets students explore a scene and observe a neutralisation reaction between toothpaste and acids in the mouth. They will be able to observe the particle model and colour changes to describe the chemical changes linked to the pH scale.

# Learning objectives

1: To understand that acids and alkalis are chemical opposites.{.info}

2: To understand that neutralisation reactions produce salt and water.{.info}

3: To identify uses of neutralisation reactions.{.info}

# Acids and Bases{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about the chemical properties of acids and bases. Students will be asked to explore the scene and identify the chemicals in the mouth. They’ll be asked to use evidence to suggest the presence of acids or alkalis.

# Neutralisation Reactions{.objective .objective2}

Section two focuses on what would need to be done to prepare the surface for habitation. The activity asks students to find what jobs they think the astronauts in the scene are doing.

# Uses of Neutralisation Reactions{.objective .objective3}

Students will learn about neutralisation reactions. Students will learn how universal indicators can be used to observe the pH change during a neutralisation reaction. Students will be asked to explore the scene and observe the reaction between toothpaste and acids in the mouth. They will be asked to describe if a chemical reaction is happening and what evidence is there for a reaction.

# Teacher Resources

**Download Teacher Notes**


**Student Quiz Answers Document**


**Download Student Quiz Document**
