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Human Impact on the Earth - Deforestation

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


A rainforest inspired scene, explore the logging site and learn about the reasons behind deforestation and its impact. By comparing a biodiverse rainforest area and an area cleared of trees, evidence can be seen for the impact deforestation has on the atmosphere. Like retaining carbon dioxide, as there are fewer trees to absorb it, deforestation has been linked to the greenhouse effect and climate change, as well as causing a drastic decrease in biodiversity due to habitat destruction.

# Learning objectives

1: Be able to describe deforestation{.info}

2: Be able to describe the impact of deforestation on the atmosphere{.info}

3: Be able to describe the impact of deforestation on biodiversity{.info}

# The Role of Trees{.objective .objective1}

In this section, the role of trees in an established forest and rainforest is described. Their part in the carbon cycle is outlined and the importance the play in absorbing carbon dioxide explained. Other roles such as the water cycle, providing a stable climate, and providing a habitat and shelter to wildlife.

# Deforestation and the Atmosphere{.objective .objective2}

In this section, the reasons for deforestation and the use of the land and trees by humans will be outlined. Trees act as a biomass reservoir for carbon after carbon dioxide is absorbed. This plays a huge role in maintaining carbon dioxide levels lower in the atmosphere. Removing trees leads to fewer trees absorbing carbon dioxide and more being retained in the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas, deforestation is a contributing factor to climate change and global warming.

# Impact on the Environment{.objective .objective3}

In this section, the long-term effect of deforestation will be outlined, from habitat destruction and extinction of species reducing biodiversity, to climate change and global warming changing the stable climate in that area, and soil erosion and desertification of the landscape.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792461/icon.png?date=1676391095&size=544311&md5=61428ed16ee166435e51915b60e72813)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/792461/files/Human%20Impact+on+the+Earth+-+Deforestation+Teacher+Notes+Only.pdf?date=1676391113&size=1991695&md5=ff89c42e66f23536b9bb3caa86f02dd9)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
