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The scene lets students explore a habitat that experiences seasonal changes. They will observe the climate changing from winter to summer, and how the environmental conditions change from warmer to colder, and vice versa. Students will learn how different animals will migrate to and from that habitat during the seasonal changes, and link the animals’ need to find somewhere with plenty of food.

# Learning objectives

Be able to describe that animals migrate{.info}

Be able to explain why animals migrate{.info}

# Heading{.objective .objective1}

In this section migration will be described. Factors that encourage animals to settle in an area will be outlined, such as food availability, temperature, water availability shelter, etc. By exploring the scene, seasonal changes can be observed and the behaviour of animals can be related to the seasonal changes.

# Heading {.objective .objective2}

In this section the reasons for animal migration will be explained. Examples include why animals migrate to seek a preferred climate, and case studies for geese, bats, wildebeest, and the swallow, to show the variety of reasons why animals migrate seasonally.

# Heading{.objective .objective3}

In this section reasons other that seasonal changes are a cause of animal migration. Examples such as the Atlantic Salmon will be outlined to demonstrate that breeding could be a cause for migration, and not just the search for food, water, climate and shelter.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes and Student Quiz

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790404/icon.png?date=1675158805&size=419371&md5=3bd15c7b727b218bc787c01c3f25e3f3)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790404/files/Animal%20Migration+Teacher+Notes+only.pdf?date=1675158785&size=1239929&md5=5820a2014177e4e69cbfa8afa1381093)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
