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A Jewish Ghetto

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The scene lets students explore a typical German-occupied built-up area during the Nazi regime. The scene shows a transition from an area exclusive to the German population to an area where the
Jewish community lived, worked, and traded with their independent businesses. From the Jewish location, students will observe how the Jewish communities were targeted with Nazi propaganda, isolated from the main areas, and how they were eventually forced and crammed into small areas that were referred to as the ghettos – run-down, poorly sanitised areas controlled by the Nazis.

# Learning objectives

1: Define the term Holocaust{.info}

2: Describe the purpose of a Ghetto{.info}

3: Explain what life was like in a Jewish Ghetto during Holocaust{.info}

# What was the Holocaust?{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about the Holocaust and how the rise of the Nazi regime led to Jewish communities being targeted as part of the Nazi propaganda. They will learn about the reason the Nazis targeted the Jewish community, who they tried to claim did not fit the Master Aryan Race propaganda.

# What was life life in a Jewish Ghetto? {.objective .objective2}

Students will observe how the Jewish communities were targeted with Nazi Propaganda, isolated from the main areas, and how they were eventually forced and crammed into small areas that were referred to as the ghettos. Students will be asked to use their observations to describe how the Jewish people were dehumanised and how it would feel to be isolated in ghettos.

# Why were People from the Jewish Community Deported?{.objective .objective3}

Students will learn that the Jewish Communities were removed from the ghetto and transported to concentration camps. They will learn that the Nazi regime tried to maintain a degree of secrecy by calling the movement of Jewish people to concentration camps a resettlement plan.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/777752/icon.png?date=1667319221&size=496035&md5=7c36050f600c32549711d80c6ff4945b)](https://avnfs.com/jBwue-qdeKZo7_Nt2aBWFZJMw77bxLWNz0orbqt0hLM?size=1218944&type=application%2Fpdf&name=The+Holocaust+-+A+Jewish+Ghetto+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf)

### Download Student Quiz Document

[![Quiz]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790432/icon.png?date=1675167219&size=131222&md5=38793167ca6ea548c88f22eca7d99e72)]( https://data.avncloud.com/activities/790432/files/The%20Holocaust+-+A+Jewish+Ghetto+Teacher+Notes+3.pdf?date=1675169709&size=96173&md5=cbd62a205ef8cbdd193bd38e0b8738e3)