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The scene lets students explore the site of the temples and platforms built by the Maya in one of the great cities Chichén Itzá. The site will model architecture built by the Maya, which are testament to their mathematical and astronomical knowledge, particularly El Castillo.

# Learning Objectives

1: Understand where Chichén Itzá is Located and why it was Abandoned{.info}

2: Understand the Importance of the Chichén Itzá Site{.info}

3: Understand the Importance of El Castillo{.info}

# Who were the Maya?{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about the Maya as a civilisation and that they were pre-Columbian civilisation predominantly based in and around Mexico, Guatamala, and Belize, as well as other Central American locations. They will learn a little about the timeline of the development of the Mayan civilisation.

Students will be asked to explore the scene and look for clues that suggest the Maya were an advanced civilization based on their development of the city, Chichén Itzá.

# What is Unique About Chichén Itzá?{.objective .objective2}

Students will learn about the Maya as a civilisation and how they were an advanced in their knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. They will learn how this led to many cities being built establishing advanced civilisations of their time, and how Chichén Itzá is an example of the great achievements of the Maya in their development.

Students will be asked to explore Chichén Itzá and describe how the site shows their advanced knowledge of mathematics that helped build the structures. They will also be asked to look for clues that show their artistic influence in their architecture.

# The Importance of El Castillo{.objective .objective3}

Students will learn about the Pyramid of Kukulcán and its architectural, mathematical, and astronomical importance. They will learn the significance of the structure and its symbolic nature in tribute to the god Kukulcán and their use of a carefully calculated calendar.

Students will be asked to describe the structure of the pyramid and look for clues that suggest it was built in tribute to the Serpent God.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/804332/icon.png?date=1686669663&size=285835&md5=be7b729255f9e455449663f6ad237a8a)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/804332/files/Chiche%CC%81n%20Itza%CC%81+El+Castillo+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1686740368&size=800803&md5=12fda820a45462bdfdaecad7df3b5bbb)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
