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Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective who features in a series of stories created by the author Arthur Conan Doyle. First appearing in ‘A Study in Scarlet’ the character went on to feature in a series of novels. In this scene, students can explore 221B Baker Street, London where Sherlock lives and learn about his character in detail, whilst discovering a range of plot lines across a range of the author Arthur Conan Doyle’s texts.

# Learning objectives

1: To understand who Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were.{.info}

2: To explain Jacob and Wilhelm’s impact on children’s literature.{.info}

# Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson{.objective .objective1}

In this scene students can explore 221B Baker Street and learn how Holmes spends a lot of his time with Dr. Watson examining crime scenes. Students can explore the scene and identify any items which provide the reader with further information about Sherlock Holmes.

# Detective Work{.objective .objective2}

In this section students can explore 221B Baker Street and try to identify any weapons that Holmes and Watson carry whilst carrying out their detective work. In this scene students are asked to think about who Holmes works for and how he lives his life.

# Legacy{.objective .objective3}

Students will explore 221B Baker Street and learn about the lasting legacy of Sherlock Holmes and why the novels have remained so popular, even in the twenty-first century. They should consider if Sherlock Holmes’ character would be the same if he was written for the twenty-first century.

# Teacher Resources

**Download Teacher Notes**


**Student Quiz Answers Document**


**Download Student Quiz Document**
