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This scene takes the form of an interactive model of the earth. The model can be interacted with, and the structure of the earth explored by moving the main parts: the crust, the mantle and the core.

By interacting with the model of the earth, a deeper understanding of the structure and organisation of the parts of the earth can be learned.

# Learning objectives

Be able to Describe the Structure of the Earth{.info}

Be able to Describe the Characteristics of the layers on Earth{.info}

# The Outer Layer{.objective .objective1}

- In this section, a description of the crust will be provided. The crust is the outer layer of the earth and the thinnest. It has a very uneven arrangement and has very deep valleys and tall mountain as a consequence, making some part oceanic and some parts continental.
- Students should explore and interact with the model and identify the crust and isolate it from the model.

# Below the Surface{.objective .objective2}

- In this section, an description of the mantle will be provided. Found just below the crust, and semi-molten, the mantle flows due to convection currents within it.
- Students should interact with the model of the earth and identify the mantle and isolate it from the model.

# The Inner Layer{.objective .objective3}

- In this section, a description of the outer and inner core will be provided. Making up the central part of the earth, the inner core is solid and the hottest part, and the outer core is liquid, yet both are made up of iron and nickel.
- Students should interact with the model of the earth and isolate the inner and outer core from the rest of the model.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/803254/icon.png?date=1685463122&size=425186&md5=8f5a49b07e3466a767a47286ade31602)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/803254/files/The%20Structure+of+the+Earth+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1685463070&size=1181077&md5=a862124d4f8ff2b12e8834a38d2e13bb)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document