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"Julius Caesar" is a tragedy by William Shakespeare that follows the events leading up to the assassination of Roman dictator Julius Caesar and its aftermath. The play portrays the political and personal conflicts among the Roman elite, including the conspirators who plot against Caesar, and the reactions of the common people. 

# Lesson Objectives:

To understand the plot of the play Julius Caesar.{.info}

To examine key themes within the play of Julius Caesar.{.info}

# Fate and Free Will {.objective .objective1}

The concept of fate is introduced early in the play, with the soothsayer warning Caesar of the Ides of March. Despite his awareness of the prophecy, Caesar chooses to go to the Senate on that fateful day, which leads to his assassination. Students should consider if an individual choice can both shape and be shaped by larger forces beyond our control. 

# Public Self and Private Self {.objective .objective2}

The theme of public self and private self is an important one in "Julius Caesar" as it explores the contrast between the way individuals present themselves to the public versus their true selves.  Student should be able to discuss the tension between individual identity and social expectations, and the ways in which individuals navigate these competing pressures in the public and private spheres. 

# Misinterpretation and Misreading {.objective .objective3}

The theme of misinterpretations and misreading is a significant one in "Julius Caesar," as it explores the idea that people can misunderstand or misinterpret events, words, and intentions, leading to unintended consequences. Students should learn about the importance of effective communication in avoiding misunderstandings and unintended consequences.

Teacher Resources

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[![Teacher Notes](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/805345/icon.png?date=1689086908&size=389929&md5=1e55f83902f15070ae8aded72301d040)](https://data.avncloud.com/activities/805345/files/Julius%20Caesar+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf?date=1689087059&size=870159&md5=7ac3efe7fc5e4d72a084112f9d5a996d)

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