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Volcanic Eruptions

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


# Learning objectives

1: To geographically locate volcanic hotspots.{.info} 

2: To identify the different types of volcano.{.info} 

3: To understand and identify different types of volcanic eruptions and their features.{.info}

Volcanoes are geological formations found along the moving plate boundaries of the Earth’s crust. They are formed as molten rock, ash and gas are released from the magma chambers in the Earth’s mantle and ejected to the surface, often resulting in devastating damage and destruction to the surrounding areas.

Volcanoes can take many different forms which are determined by their geographical position and can be found on both land and under water, their eruptions shaping the landscape around them.

Your mission is to enter the scene and learn about some of the different types of volcanic eruptions and where they can be found. You will have three key areas to explore:

1: Volcanic Hotspots{.info}

2: Volcanic Formations{.info}

3: Volcanic Eruptions{.info}

# Volcanic Hotspots{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn about volcanic hotspots and where some are located. They will be asked to locate these on a map in the scene. An interactive model of a volcano will be accessible in the scene which students can use to identify the different components of a volcano. 

# Volcanic Formations{.objective .objective2}

This section will examine some of the different types of volcanic formations, providing some 360-degree images of some examples. Students should observe the different volcanic formations in the scene and will asked to identify them.

# Volcanic Eruptions{.objective .objective3}

The features of Iceland/Fissure, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Plinian, Vulcanian and Peléan volcanic eruptions will be described with examples provided. Students will be asked to enter the scene and observe the features of the different eruptions and identify each type.

Hotspot map and key created by Eric Gaba /USGS.

License: CC BY SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/no/

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