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Suffix of -ly, -less, -ful

by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


The Lion and the Mouse is one of Aesop’s Fables; a collection of tales thought to have originated in ancient Greece by Aesop, a Greek storyteller. A fable is a short story featuring animal characters; these stories carry a strong moral message.

The fable of the Lion and the Mouse tells the story of a mouse who, when caught by a lion, persuades him to let him go with the promise that he could help him one day. The lion agrees and lets him go. The following day, the mouse finds the lion caught in a hunter’s trap. Instead of passing him by, the mouse helps the lion by chewing through the trap and releasing him.

It carries the moral message that an act of kindness can be rewarded and encourages kindness to others.

# Objectives:

Understand how suffixes change the meaning of a word.{.info}

Apply suffixes to the context of a fable.{.info}

Retell a story as a sequence of events.{.info}

# Suffix of –ly{.objective .objective1}

Adding the suffix of –ly changes an adjective into an adverb and answers the question of ‘how?’ or ‘how often?’. The spelling of some words changes when we add this suffix. If the word ends with a ‘y’, replace with an ‘i’ and add ‘-ly’. If the word ends with ‘le’, replace with ‘ly’.

As students enter the scene, they will see hints for using each suffix carved into the trees. Draw your students’ attention to these before they progress to the story. As they go into the woods, they should stop at the first section of the story and describe what they think is happening.

They should read the storybook and move the interactive suffix to the correct word to finish the sentence. Encourage them to try the other suffixes to see if they make sense.

# Suffix of –less{.objective .objective2}

Adding the suffix of –less changes a noun into an adjective and means ‘without’. The spelling of some words changes when we add this suffix. If the word ends in ‘y’, change to an ‘i’ and add ‘less’.

Students should stop at the second section of the story and describe what they think is happening.

They should read the storybook and move the interactive suffix to the correct word to finish the sentence. Encourage them to try the other suffixes to see if they make sense.

# Suffix of –ful{.objective .objective3}

Adding the suffix of –ful, changes a noun into an adjective and means ‘full of’ something. The spelling of some words changes when we add this suffix. If the word ends in ‘y’, change to an ‘i’ and add ‘ful’.

Students should stop at the third and fourth sections of the story and describe what they think is happening.

At each section, they should read the storybook and move the interactive suffix to the correct word to finish the sentence. Encourage them to try the other suffixes to see if they make sense.

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