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A Matter of Time

by Avantis World Theme Park
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# Learning objectives

1. Tell the time using an analogue and digital clock.{.info}
2. Know which are hours, minutes, seconds on a clock.{.info}
3. Tell the time in 5-minute changes.{.info}

**Key Elements and Scene Summary**

The scene takes the form of a giant clock mechanism with many analogue and digital clocks to look at and interpret. There are two main clocks, animated to show time passing at the real rate in terms of seconds, minutes and hours.

# The Clocks{.objective .objective1}

Students will learn the appearance of analogue and digital clocks. By representing that a day lasts 24 hours, an hour lasts 60 minutes and a minute lasts 60 seconds, clocks are a means of keeping track of time.

Observations and discussions should be focused on the layout of the numbers on an analogue clock and how each hand can be recognised. The layout of digital clocks should be discussed too and comparisons to analogue clocks should be summarised. Students should be shown how 1 to 12 symbolise the hour, and the lines in between (60 of them) symbolise the minutes.

# Telling the Time{.objective .objective2}

In this section, students should be shown how the short hand indicates the hour, and the long hand indicates the minutes on an analogue. The time can simply be read by stating the hour first then the minutes. As for digital clocks, discuss that the left number is read as the hour and the numbers on the right indicate the minutes. Introduce this concept of reading the time for the start of the hour, such as 9 o’clock.

Use the analogue and digital clocks that are animated. Model that each clock shows the start of the hour. For the analogue clock, the short hand is on 9 and the long hand is on 12. As for the digital clock, the hour is 09, and the minutes are 00. Both of them display 9 o’clock.

# Passing time{.objective .objective3}

Time can be read in different ways. Students should be shown and allowed to practise reading the time in different ways, from how many minutes past the hour, to using fractions such as half and quarter past.

Allow the students to explore the clocks and practise reading them. Encourage them to read the times out loud using the different methods including fractions.

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://avnfs.com/b1tviSqohk1_8Or-6VBZ4uU9X_If_23tinng874hBgQ?size=479544&type=image%2Fpng&name=Teacher+Notes+Icon.png)](https://avnfs.com/Rdqox8EbfZHMeCMwMMA6xPG5RDHqrUEVrkzhmrdj6iA?size=996246&type=application%2Fpdf&name=A+Matter+of+Time+Teachers+Notes+2.pdf)

### Download Student Worksheet Document
