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by Avantis World Theme Park
This resource is only available as part of a pack


# Objectives:

Recognise personal pronouns in text.{.info}

Distinguish between singular and plural pronouns.{.info}

Use singular and plural pronouns in a storytelling activity.{.info}

This scene allows students to practice singular and plural pronouns in a performance-based setting. They will be transported to the Dragonville Playhouse, where two of the more expressive dragons, Eric the Exclamation Dragon and Quinn the Quotation Marks Dragon, will be performing their rendition of Alan the Knight – The Musical!

Students will be tasked with identifying the correct pronouns in a drag-and-drop activity before entering the stage where they will put their pronoun knowledge into practice by devising their own stories using movable props. On one of the stages, they will see Eric and Quinn positioned ready to perform. They can use these to tell their story based on Alan the Knight or develop their own.

This scene will use the following pronouns:

- He
- Him
- She
- Her
- Them
- They
- It

Further pronouns can be discussed as part of individual class planning.

# What are pronouns?{.objective .objective1}

Pronouns are words that are used to replace nouns in a sentence to avoid repetition. Personal pronouns each serve different purposes in representing the speaker, the listener, or other individuals or objects in a conversation.

Students should observe the posters in the lobby to see who is advertised to perform. Quinn the Quotation Marks Dragon identifies as female and Eric the Exclamation Mark Dragon, as male. Students should discuss which pronouns should be used to refer to these characters.

# Singular and plural pronouns {.objective .objective2}

Pronouns can be singular or plural. They also change depending on whether you are using the first, second or third person. The following pronouns will be included:

**Singular** **Plural**

- I, me (first person) - we, us (first person)
- You (second person) - You (second person)
- She, her, he, him, it, \**they, \*them* (third person) - They, them (third person)

*If gender is unknown or neutral pronoun.

Direct students to the dressing room where they will engage in a drag-and-drop interactive activity to assign the correct pronoun to the figures and objects.

Students should use the photographs on the mirror to determine where the pronouns should go.

# Applying pronouns{.objective .objective3}

The student learning page will include written examples of pronouns. Prompt your students to read this before progressing further into the scene.

As students enter the auditorium area, they will see a choice of backdrops on the stage along with various props. They should use these to create their own virtual performance either individually, or as a group. Encourage them to include themselves as a character. They should focus on the pronouns they use as they tell their stories and consider how different it would sound if they did not use any.

**One of the stages will be set up for the dragons’ performance of Alan the Knight – The Musical! Students can use this prompt to continue the story incorporating themselves or other props.**

In the stage area there are the following movable props which snap into the backdrops:

- Alien
- Merman/Mermaid
- Sabrina the Semicolon Dragon

# Download the Teacher Notes


# Download the Worksheet Answers


# Download the Worksheet


# Assignment:

Choose a reading book and read either one paragraph *or* one chapter. Consider the following:

- Which pronouns have been used?
- Which ones are singular and plural?
- Would the piece of writing sound different if no pronouns were used?