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The Ocean Floor

by Avantis World Theme Park
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The ocean floor, also known as the seabed or seafloor, refers to the bottom surface of the ocean. It is the underwater equivalent of the Earth's land surface. In this scene, explore the gentle slopes of continental shelves and towering ridges and discover all that the ocean floor has to offer!

# Learning Objectives:

Describe the geological features of the ocean floor.{.info}

Explain how the plants and animals of the ocean floor survive and thrive. {.info}

Explain the methods and technologies used to explore and map the ocean floor.{.info}

# Geological Features of the Ocean Floor{.objective .objective1}

In this section, students will explore continental shelves, which are extensions of the continents, gently slope away from the coastlines before plunging into the deeper oceanic realm. These broad, flat regions serve as a transition zone between the land and the deep ocean, housing diverse ecosystems and serving as important areas for marine life and human activities such as fishing and oil exploration.

Students should discuss the various structures on the ocean floor. They should describe their appearance and how they may form.

# Plants and Animals of the Ocean Floor and how they survive{.objective .objective2}

The plants and animals of the ocean floor have evolved remarkable adaptations to survive in the challenging and diverse environments they inhabit. In the deep ocean, where sunlight is scarce, primary producers such as phytoplankton play a crucial role. As we descend further into the depths, we encounter a fascinating array of marine life that has adapted to extreme pressure, cold temperatures, and limited food resources.

Students should identify the ocean floor wildlife and explain how they can survive the extreme conditions.

# Methods and Technologies used to explore and map the Ocean Floor{.objective .objective3}

One widely used method for mapping the ocean floor is bathymetry, which involves measuring the depth and shape of the seafloor. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are also vital tools used to explore and study the ocean floor.

Students should consider the extreme pressure experienced at these depths. How are human made machines used to explore the ocean flood designed to withstand the pressure? Can they find the lost explorer?

**To further your students' knowledge of the Ocean floor, we've included some additional resources below.**

[Explore the Depths of the Ocean from the Midnight Zone to the Abyssal Zone with Neal's Deep Sea Resource](https://neal.fun/deep-sea/)

# Teacher Resources

### Download Teacher Notes

[![Teacher Notes](https://avnfs.com/mBHEmQgfjWO4GAjOjaEBXwUrB7V-CPVVA9A26VH-EDQ?size=388194&type=image%2Fpng&name=teacher+note+icon.png)](https://avnfs.com/0lulKTLXd8abLB8LRvqbxbVy0UMONkSJFoMpPARsd2o?size=486665&type=application%2Fpdf&name=The+Ocean+Floor+Teacher+Notes+1.pdf)

### Student Quiz Answers Document


### Download Student Quiz Document
