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Karaka - replica of a Dubrovnik Republic traditional carrack ship

by ClassVR

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Carrack, a prominent sailing ship from the 14th to 17th centuries, typically had three masts: the mainmast and foremast with square sails and the mizzenmast with a lateen sail. Some carracks featured a fourth mast for additional sails. Known for their deep, broad structure with high forecastles and sterncastles, they were vital to Mediterranean trade and European exploration. They were precursors to the galleon, which had a more streamlined design. Some of the most famous carrack ships were the Mary Rose (England, circa 14th-15th centuries), La Santa MarĂ­a (Spain, circa 14th century), and the Nao Victoria (Spain, circa 15th century)

Find out more about carrack ships by clicking the link:
[Carrack Ships](https://www.britannica.com/technology/carrack)