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Lactic Acid

by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Systematic name:**

2-Hydroxypropanoic acid

**Molecular formula:** C₃H₆O₃

**Chemical formula (condensed):** CH₃CHOHCOOH

**Molar mass:** 90,08 g/mol

**Information:** Lactic acid has a sour taste, it is slightly soluble in water and forms colourless crystals. The salt derived from lactic acid is called lactate.

**Use:** It is used in the food industry (E270), for tanning, the colouring of textile and also in the cosmetic industry.

**Appearance:** The lactate form of lactic acid is an important intermediate in the metabolic pathway. It originates from anaerobic pyruvate degradation, eg. excessive exertion. It is found in cabbage and sour milk.