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Formic Acid

by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Systematic name:** Methanoic acid

**Molecular formula:** CH₂O₂

**Chemical formula (condensed):** HCOOH

**Molar mass:** 46,02 g/mol

**Information:** Formic acid is colourless, fuming in the air, acrid liquid and corrosive. It's melting point and mainly boiling point are similarly as high as water due to the influence of hydrogen bonds. It has a strong reducing effect. It is the most simple and among strongest carboxylic acid.

**Use:** It is used in the production of dyes, for wart removal, in the rubber industry, tanneries decalcification of the skin and also as a food additive (E236).

**Appearance:** Formic acid is contained in ants or bees venom and in nettles.