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by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Symbol:** Mg

**Atomic number:** 12

**International title:** magnesium

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 24,305

**Information:** Magnesium is a glossy, lightweight, medium-hard, silver metal. It is less reactive than alkali metals, yet is easily oxidized to form a protective oxide layer. The compound only exists in the form of magnesium cation Mg²⁺.

**Use:** Magnesium is part of a light and yet mechanically strong alloy of alumina (Mg+Al+Cu+Mn) and other alloys (magnalium). It is also used as a reducing agent in the production of more expensive metals.

**Occurrence:** Magnesium is among the top ten most widespread elements on Earth. In nature, it is only found bounded in compounds. It occurs in seawater in the form of chloride, magnesium bromide and magnesium sulphate. Among its most important minerals are dolomite or magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO₃)₂ and magnesium carbonate MgCO₃. Magnesium is a biogenic element. It is part of chlorophyll.

**Structure:** Magnesium crystallizes into a hexagonal system (primitive core cell).