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by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Symbol:** Cu

**Atomic number:** 29

**International title:** cuprum

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 63,546

**Information:** Copper is a shiny reddish coloured metal. It is an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity. In the air it is covered with a thin green layer called copper Cu(OH)₂·CuCO₃. It belongs to the group of noble metals.

**Use:** Copper is used for the production of conductors, roofing and eaves. It is used to produce alloys – bronze Cu + Sn (manufacture of statues, medals, church bells) and brass Cu + Zn (production of musical instruments and decorative objects).

**Occurrence:** The presence of copper rare in Earth's crust. Copper minerals include, for example, chalcosine or polished copper Cu₂S or chalcopyrite or copper CuFeS₂.

**Structure:** Copper crystallizes into a cubic (cubic) system (a flat-centered base cell).