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by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Symbol:** Fe

**Atomic number:** 26

**International title:** ferrum

**Relative Atomic Weight:** 55,847

**Information:** Iron is a relatively soft, shiny metal with a silver colour. It has ferromagnetic properties (it exhibits spontaneous magnetization). It is relatively reactive and subjected to corrosion, resulting in rust (peeling layers of hydrated iron oxide). Pure iron does not have proper properties, so it is processed to steel.

**Use:** Raw iron is produced in blast furnaces by the reduction of its oxides by coke. Raw iron is hard, brittle and contains a number of unwanted additives (graphite, iron carbide), therefore, it is processed to steel (especially the removal of carbon content). Steel is refined by different methods to stainless steel. It contains some impurities (e.g. Ni, Cr, V, Mn, Co). There are many types of steels. Steel is mainly used in the construction industry.

**Occurrence:** Iron is one of the most widespread metals on earth. It is assumed that the Earth's core is mostly composed of this element. His significant ores include hematite Fe₂O₃, magnetite FeO·Fe₂O₃, limonite Fe₂O₃·nH₂O, siderite FeCO₃ and pyrite FeS₂. It is a biogenic element (it is bounded for example, in hemoglobin).

**Structure:** The iron crystallizes into a cubic (cubic) system (a spatially centered cell).