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by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Information:** RNA (ribonucleic acid) is composed of only one differently coiled fiber. If two complementary stretches of RNA fibers are located close together, hydrogen bonds can be formed between the bases.

**Importance and types of RNA** There are many types of RNAs that fill a variety of functions in organisms, such as:

- mRNA (information, mediator) is created by the transcription of genes encoding the amino acid sequence of proteins (encoding, carries information about the construction of proteins) and its basic function is to control protein formation;

- rRNA (ribosomal) forms the nucleus of ribosomes on which mRNA is translated into protein;

- tRNA (transfer) selects the correct amino acids and places them in the right place on the ribosome to be incorporated into the growing amino acid chain;

- ribozymes serve as catalysts. Ribozymes, rRNA and tRNA are produced by transcription of non-coding genes of the amino acid sequence of the protein, a so-called non-informative RNA.

**Model description:** The model depicts a short stretch of the tRNA molecule found in the human cytoplasm cell. In the RNA molecule, although single-stranded, complementary bases form hydrogen bonds when pairing in case they approach themselves. The model depicts specifically the nucleotide sequence of GCGUUGG and the complementary CCAACGC of the same strand (written in the 5' - 3' direction).