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Vitamin A₁

by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Chemical name:** Retinol

**Molecular formula:** C₂₀H₃₀O

**Molar mass:** 286,46 g/mol

**Information:** Fat-soluble vitamin A₁ is not only composed of a single substance but a whole class of substances. One of them is retinol; known as vitamin A₁. The organism can synthesize it from carotene.

**Effects:** Vitamin A₁ is needed for the production of rhodopsin, the dye used in low light environment. Therefore Vitamin A deficiency leads to nyctalopia (also known as night blindness). Vitamin A is an important antioxidant and it is also essential for the development of epithelial cells during their lack.

**Resource:** Veal liver, raw carrots, fish oil, smoked eel, lean sausage and chicken eggs.