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Vitamin C

by Corinth

Science, Chemistry

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**Chemical name:** ʟ-ascorbic acid

**Molecular formula:** C₆H₈O₆

**Molar mass:** 178 g/mol

**Information:** Vitamin C (ʟ-ascorbic acid) is a water soluble compound. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat and highly sensitive to oxidation.

**Effects:** ʟ-ascorbic acid activates the metabolism of cells (interferes with the conversion of the energy received from food into body energy), strengthens the resistance of the organism against infection, stimulates the production and function of connective tissue in bones and teeth (it stabilizes blood vessels, accelerates healing), enhances the absorption of iron from food and allows its use. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant. Long-term vitamin C deficiency provokes a disease called scurvy. The disease manifests itself by increased bleeding of mucous membranes, skin and muscles, loss of teeth, weakness, decreased resistance to infections.

**Resource:** Broccoli, red peppers, currants, kiwi and citrus fruits.