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The Chapel of the Mother of God in Veveří, also called the Chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, was originally a parish church located about 400 meters southwest of the Veveří Castle. It probably dates from the 12th century, the first written mention is from 1240. In the vicinity there was a medieval village, which formed the forecourt of the castle Veveří and which disappeared during the Hussite wars.

It is a two-nave sacral structure; originally a Romanesque chapel was later partially rebuilt in the Gothic style. The tower was demolished by the Swedes during the Thirty Years' War, and only a small tower with two bells has survived to this day. The southern Romanesque portal ends on a tympanum with a Greek cross with two lions and leads to a side, Gothic nave. The entrance to the main Romanesque nave leads through the Gothic west entrance. There is a clear late Gothic relief of a human face on the gable on the east side of the church.

Location: Castle Veveří by Brno, Czech Republic

## Keywords
romanesque gothic architecture history portal chapel veveří