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# How Humans’ Overuse of Plastics is Affecting Our Oceans

Dive deep under the ocean waves and explore its coastlines to discover how humans' plastic overuse impacts marine environments. Through immersion and observation, students can develop an understanding of how and why humans use plastics, how they end up in our oceans, and analyse the impact plastics have on the oceans' ecosystem. Students should also consider, how can we reduce the impact of plastics?

## Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe human activities as causes of plastics reaching the oceans

2. Explain why plastics are harmful to the ocean ecosystem

3. Outline ways ocean plastics can be reduced

## How to Use This Playlist:

This playlist includes a range of different resources designed to help your students develop a better understanding of the issues with plastics and their impact on the oceans as a pollutant.

Here are some suggestions on how to use the resources:

***Oceans Plastics Explorable Scene*** - Your students can immerse themselves in an ocean environment to deepen their understanding of the different ways plastic waste reaches the oceans. Encourage your students to dive under the water to identify how plastics may cause problems for animals such as turtles.

- [Oceans Plastics](https://alpha.edvr.se/vIE-NBP-vJr/ocean-plastics-pollution)

***360 Images*** - By observing and analysing these images from around the world, students can identify different objects made from plastic and how humans use them. They can also begin to analyse the extent of the global problem of plastics as an ocean pollutant.

- [The beach after the storm is polluted with garbage, Sri Lanka](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-the-beach-after-the-storm-is-polluted-with-garbage-sri-lanka-1)
- [Paradise and Flip Flops, Komodo Island](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-paradise-komodo-island-indonesia)
- [High tide mark, Gili Trawangan](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-hi-tide-gili-trawangan)
- [Plastic Dump (Blue Hole) - Dahab, Egypt](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-plastic-dump-blue-hole-dahab-egypt)

***360 Images*** - By observing and analysing these images, your students can discuss how awareness of the issues with plastics can be addressed. Students should consider how plastics can be safely collected from oceans and beaches, and the ways they can be reused and recycled.

- [The Mad Crab of Kochi](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-the-mad-crab-of-kochi)
- [Inside a sculpture with figure on phone highlighting plastic waste being washed up on beaches](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-inside-a-sculpture-with-figure-on-phone-highlighting-plastic-waste-being-washed-up-on-beaches-sculpture-displayed-on-sout)

***Fighting Climate Change 360 Video*** - By observing and analysing this video, your students see how people worldwide are raising awareness of plastics in our oceans.
- [Fighting Climate Change](https://edvr.se/Gol-VnL-sKF/360v-ocean-cleanup)
