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Exploring Mars

by ClassVR


# Rocket to the Red Planet

Roam the surface of Mars alongside the Curiosity rover and discover the planet’s inhospitable conditions. Through exploring the virtual scenes and images, students can consider the engineering of Mars rovers and the exciting scientific data we might retrieve.

## Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the key surface features and conditions on Mars
2. Understand why Mars is valuable to science as a place for exploration
3. Outline some of the data retrieved by Mars rovers and challenges in their engineering

## How to Use This Playlist:

This playlist is designed to help your students understand the Mars rover missions.

Here are some suggestions of how to use the resources:

***Mars Curiosity & Mars Base Explorable Scenes*** - In these scenes, students can explore the red, rock-dominated landscape of Mars and draw parallels with geological features on Earth. As Curiosity Rover is navigating the terrain, students can consider the balance between the function and maneuverability of its design.

- [Mars Curiosity](https://edvr.se/Pim-zz5-SV5/mars-curiosity)
- [Mars One Base](https://edvr.se/Pim-zz5-SV5/mars-one-base)

***360 Images*** - These images include a gigapixel quality panorama from NASA’s newest Perseverance rover. Students should understand that the vehicle’s objective is to collect samples of soil and rock to later return to Earth. This enables study for signs of ancient life, a fascinating area of science known as astrobiology.

- [360 View of Mars from NASA's Perseverance Rover](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-360-view-of-mars-from-nasa-s-perseverance-rover-s1-mars-planet)
- [4.5-billion-pixel of Mars by NASA's Perseverance Rover](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-mars-panorama-perseverance-rover-martian-solar-day-0965)
- [Mars Panorama - Perseverance rover: Martian solar day 0002](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-mars-panorama-perseverance-rover-martian-solar-day-0002)

***3D Models*** - The 3D model of Mars shows its Earth-like, terrestrial nature - making clear why it is dubbed ‘The Red Planet’ - and shows the northern ice cap, which is approximately 1000 km across. Students can manipulate the Curiosity rover to see the rocker-bogie design that allows it to keep its wheels on the ground, even on uneven terrain.

- [Mars](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-mars)
- [Curiosity Rover](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-curiosity-rover-animated)

***360 Video Engineering for Mars*** - In this video, students have a guided tour of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They can explain the obstacles facing the Mars missions from the perspective of their learning. For example, the rover Opportunity was lost when a severe dust storm blanketed its location in 2018.

- [Engineering for Mars Video](https://edvr.se/Gol-VnL-sKF/360v-engineering-for-mars)
