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The Respiratory System

by ClassVR




# How do we breathe?

Jump inside the human body and explore the respiratory system. With this immersive playlist, students can explore the inside of the human body and understand the structure of the respiratory system.

## Key Learning Outcomes: 

1. Describe the structure of the respiratory system and name the organs
2.  Describe the role of the ribs when we breathe
3. Explain the process of breathing

## How to Use This Playlist:  

This playlist includes a range of resources designed to help students develop an understanding of the structure of the respiratory system and the mechanism of breathing.

## How to Use This Playlist:

***3D Model*** - Observing this 3D model of the human lungs, students can learn about the appearance of the lungs.

- [Lungs](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-lungs)

***3D model*** - Observing this 3D model of animated lungs, students can analyze the physical changes the lungs go through when we breathe in and out (inhale and exhale), which should lead them to describe how lungs expand and constrict during ventilation.

- [Animated Lungs](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-animated-lungs)

***3D model*** - By exploring this 3D model of the skeleton with a specific focus on the rib cage, students should discuss the role of the rib cage as a protective structure for the vital organs including the lungs, and what role they play as part of the respiratory system.

- [Human Skeleton](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-human-skeleton)

***The Respiratory System Explorable Scene*** - Your students can immerse themselves in this da Vinci-inspired studio to deepen their understanding of the structure and the organization of respiratory organs. Through observations and analysis, students can also develop an understanding of the mechanism of breathing, and how the physical movement of the ribs encourages inhalation and exhalation.

- [The Respiratory System](https://edvr.se/KSn-M38-0J0/human-respiratory-system)
