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# The Journey to Independence  
Embark on a journey through Colonial America and witness the struggle for independence from Great Britain. Immerse yourself in the historical events and pivotal moments that led to the birth of a new nation and identify key events and figures that influenced the monumental change. How did these changes lead to the Declaration of Independence?

## Key Learning Outcomes: 
- Provide a brief overview of the pivotal events that led to, prolonged, and ended the American Revolution 
- Identify key people who fought for resistance against the British 
- Explain the role of Thomas Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence

## How to Use This Playlist:   

The playlist includes a range of resources designed to help students develop a better understanding of the key events of the American Revolution. 

Here are some suggestions on how to use the resources: 

***Colonial America Explorable Scene*** – Students can immerse themselves in a typical town during British rule to understand what life was like in Colonial America. This contextual learning could help students provide a brief overview of how the 13 original British colonies were founded and gain insights into the economic and political factors that led to their growing desire for independence.

- [Colonial America](https://edvr.se/z2d-fEo-HqJ/colonial-america)

***360 Images*** – By observing these modern images, your students can discuss and provide a brief overview of the key locations and events that played a part in America's break from Britain. Students should be encouraged to research a particular moment in the timeline, for example, the significance and effects of the Boston Tea Party at Boston Harbour outside the modern-day Children's Museum. Ask students to consider why the event took place, what the catalyst was, the significance of its geographical location, and its repercussions. 

- [Skyline from the Children's Museum, Boston, Massachusetts, USA](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-skyline-from-childrens-museum-boston-massachusetts-usa)
- [Lexington Green](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-lexingtongreen)
- [Philadelphia Independence Hall](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-philadelphia-independence-hall-usa)

***360 Images*** – Use these images to identify key people who bolstered the American Revolution. Ask students to examine their roles and how they helped encourage, support, and aid independence from Great Britain. 
- [Captain Parker Statue at Lexington Battle Green](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-captain-parker-statue-at-lexington-battle-green-usa)
- [Faneuil Hall, Boston 2008](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-bostonma-faneuil-hall)
- [Jefferson Memorial Interior at Night](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-jefferson-memorial-interior-at-night)

***Declaration of Independence Explorable Scene*** – Your students can use this scene to transport them to the Pennsylvania State House in 1776 as the Declaration of Independence was signed. Step into what the Pennsylvania State House was, which is now known as Independence Hall. Explore the Assembly Room, where the Declaration of Independence can be found in the scene. Ask students to try and read some of the original document. What does it say?
- [Declaration of Independence](https://edvr.se/z2d-fEo-HqJ/declaration-of-independence)

***The United States National Archives Rotunda 360 Image*** - Use this image to explore the historic United States National Archives Rotunda, where the nation's founding documents are preserved. Ask students to explore the image and the gravitas of the building. Why are the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights kept here?
- [The United States National Archives Rotunda](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-national-archives-rotunda-washington-dc-usa)
