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# How Insects Encourage Fertilisation in Plants

Fly into the wonderful world of bees and journey through the countryside like the great pollinators. Discover how bees pollinate flowers and discuss what would happen if their population declined. How would farming be impacted?

## Key Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the Process of Pollination
2. Describe what may happen if the bee population declines
3. Explain the importance of Bees in Pollination and farming

## How to Use This Playlist:

The playlist includes a range of resources designed to help students develop a better understanding of pollination, the importance of insects in pollination, and the need to manage their population for farming.

Here are some suggestions on how to use the resources:

***Pollination Explorable Scene*** – Your students can shrink down to the size of a bee to explore a wildflower meadow and climb aboard a busy bee spaceship! Here they can watch pollination in action, following a bee as it transfers pollen from one flower to another. Ask your students what they see happening after pollination takes place.

- [Pollination Scene](https://edvr.se/5DM-XKf-tE8/pollination-scene-rebuild)

***360 Image Gong Pear Orchard*** – This image can be used to discuss the features of an insect-pollinated flowering plant. Students should observe and be encouraged to describe how the colorful appearance attract bees. Draw on their experience of flowers having a pleasant scent, which also attracts bees.

- [Gong Pear Orchard](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-gong-pear-orchard-253--shandong)

***3D models*** – Observing and analyzing the physical features of the bees in these models, students should discuss how pollen can be transported. They should identify that the hairs on the surface of the bees’ bodies allow pollen to stick to them as bees fly from flower to flower.

- [Masonry Bee](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-masonry-bee)
- [Flying Bee](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/ID949810)

***360 Images*** – By observing these images students can develop an understanding of how beekeeping can help support bee populations. Teachers should lead a discussion as to why would bee populations need managing, linking it to their decline due to the overuse of pesticides in the farming industry. Students should evaluate the benefits of maintaining bee populations and their importance in the pollination of farmed cops.

- [Swarm of Bees by the Beehive](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-bee-swarm-beehive)
- [Apiary And Hives In A Meadow In Patagonia](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-travelstrategy-apiary-and-hives-in-a-meadow-in-patagonia)
