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Roman Gladiator

by ClassVR


# Meet the Mighty Gladiators

Travel back in time to witness the bloodshed of the mighty Roman gladiators! Discover who gladiators were, what they wore and how what weapons they wielded, as well as exploring the importance of amphitheatres in Roman society.

## Key Learning Outcomes:

- Describe who the Roman gladiators were

- Describe what Roman gladiators wore and fought with

- Explain what Roman amphitheaters were used for and consider who would visit them

## How to Use This Playlist:

The playlist includes a range of resources designed to help students develop a better understanding of Roman gladiators and the amphitheatres in which they fought.

Here are some suggestions of how to use the resources:

***The Colosseum Explorable Scene*** - Enter the most famous arena in history and imagine you are a Roman gladiator! Students can observe two gladiators battling it out for victory. Ask students to describe what they wore, including their armour and weapons. Students can also go behind the scenes and explore the hypogeum, a series of chambers and tunnels leading off the arena. Ask students to find the cornered-off grated chambers. What might this tell them about who the gladiators were and how they were treated?

- [The Colosseum](https://edvr.se/8Cr-NeH-4q9/ancient-rome-colosseum)

***3D models***– Get up close to the gladiators with these 3D models. students can pick out specific details to describe parts of a gladiator armour, including his gladius (dagger or sword), subiculum (loincloth), batters (belt), ocrea (or greaves), a type of ancient armour that protected the front leg, and the scutum shield. Ask students to point out and describe the Gladiator armour.

For higher level learning, our 3D model shows a specific type of gladiator known as a Secutor, the chase or pursuer. These gladiators were armoured and battled against the retiarius, a lightly armoured gladiator who might fight with a trident or a dagger. You could ask students to do a research project on the different classes of gladiators and what they might have worn and fought with.

- [3D Model Roman Gladiator](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-roman-gladiator)

- [Roman Scutum 3D Model](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-roman-scutum)

***360 Images*** – By observing these images, students can better understand the design of Roman amphitheatre and its importance to Roman society and culture. Ask students to consider who would have visited them.

- [The Colosseum](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/360p-colosseum)

- [The Pula Arena Aptos](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-arena-pula-croatia)

- [Amphitheatre of Pompeii](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/cvr360-amphitheatre-of-pompeii-from-above)

***3D Model Julius Caesar Bust***- By observing this 3D bust, students can discuss the societal and political context of gladiator games during Caesar's reign. This model can serve as a visual aid for students to consider the role of leaders in promoting gladiator games to drum up audiences.

- [Julius Caesar Bust](https://scene.link/PZH-f7s/3dm-julius-caesar)
